€-2008 Hamilton Beach Brancs, Ire. Dua Wave"1 Blender ODenStatior*1’ Car ODener. Stay or Go"' Slow CDoker and BrewStation ^ Coffeema<er are 'eg slerec tradena'ks of Hanilton 3each B'ands, Inc
O oh.
Whip up a smoothie
(or two) or drinks for
a whole crowd with the
Dual Wave Blender.
Use the OpenStation as
a can opener, jar opener
and even an annoying-
plastic-package opener.
Your Stay or Go Slow
Cooker lid locks tight.
Take it anywhere and
don’t sweat the spills.
No pot means no burnt
coffee. BrewStation
Coffeemaker keeps it
hot and fresh for hours.
To those who think the last cup of coffee should taste as fresh as the first, that the perfect
blender should handle different people’s tastes, that a slow cooker should be built to travel
and that a can opener should open more than just cans.
...good thinking.
See more Good Thinking at hamiltonbeach.com
a m
i l t o n B
e a c h
Good Thinking"